Last updated: 26 March 2025
Currently in beta
Meetings: We launched a brand new Meetings feature, which will soon replace 1:1s. The Meetings feature allows you to set up meetings with more than 2 participants on Perdoo (eg, team or leadership meetings). It contains a bunch of performance improvements that were long overdue, and includes an integration with both Google and Outlook calendar.
Go to Configure > Features to enable (requires Superadmin rights).
Coming soon
Weighting Key Results: Based on popular demand, the ability to weigh Key Results.
Additional Target types for KRs & Initiatives: We recently launched target types for KRs & Initiatives. 'Increase to', 'Decrease to', and 'Binary' are already available. We'll also add 'Stay above' and 'Stay below'.
Ability to define monthly or quarterly targets for a Key Result: This functionality exists for KPIs, but for Key Results the expected values are currently linear and that doesn't always reflect reality or seasonality.
AI: Use AI to create/suggest Key Results for an Objective, as well as to create/suggest Initiatives for a Key Result.
Up next
New integrations: We'll be adding a few more native integrations with...
Azure DevOps
Excel Online
Microsoft Planner
Ability to create multiple Strategy Maps: Currently you can only create on Strategy Map for the entire organization. Soon, you'll be able to create as many as you like ☺️
Allow Initiatives to update a Key Result's progress: Successful OKR programs are the ones that are pragmatic. While it doesn't adhere to the OKR methodology, sometimes you simply have to complete a few Initiatives to achieve a certain Key Result.
March 2025 ⬇️
Restrict visibility of goals
While transparency has it's place in the OKR framework, it might not be appropriate for larger organizations. Now you can restrict visibility so that standard users can only see their own team's (and subteams) goals.
Superadmins must first enable this feature in Configure > Features: Restrict visibility of goals.
Automate statuses for Key Results and Initiatives
For KPIs, status is already automatically set when you update progress. You now have the option to automate statuses for Key Results and Initiatives. And yes, you can manually override a status that was automatically set ☺️
Superadmins must first enable this feature in Configure > Features: Automatically set statuses for KRs and Initiatives.
Reply to the person who initiated the email notification
Based on your notification settings, you'll get email from Perdoo when you're made a lead of a goal, someone mentioned you in a comment, gave you a Kudos, etc. Now when you reply to that email, it will be sent to the person who took that action so you can easily engage with them.
Power BI integration
Our two-way Power BI integration allows you to push data from Perdoo into Power BI to enrich your Power BI reports or pull datasets in PowerBI to automatically update progress for your goals in Perdoo.
Ability to display OKRs from multiple timeframes on Strategy Map
Previously you could only view one timeframe per cadence at a time (e.g. only 1 quarter at a time). Now you can see multiple timeframes (e.g. quarters) in a cadence by simply selecting multiple timeframes in the dropdown menu!
February 2025 ⬇️
Target types for Key Results and Initiatives
To help you properly set up your Key Result or Initiative, we've added Target types. Now you choose between: Increase to, Decrease to, or Binary and the start and target value will automatically be structured in the correct format.
Users list organized by manager/direct report relationship
Your Teams list is organized alphabetically with the sub-teams nested underneath. We've followed the same structure so now your Users list is organized alphabetically by manger with their direct reports nested underneath.
Align Objectives to Key Results
If an Objective is supporting a specific Key Result instead of an entire Objective, you can now align your Objective to that specific Key Result. Under Alignment, first choose the Objective, and then specify which Key Result (or Initiative) of that Objective it supports.
IMPORTANT: A Superadmin first has to enable this feature in Configure > Features.
See OKRs aligned to KPIs on the Strategy Map
If your Strategic Pillars have KPIs, you can now also see the OKRs that are aligned to these KPIs 😊
IMPORTANT: Only Superadmins can toggle this on/off. The setting will apply to all users.
KPI Board-style view for Key Results and Initiatives.
In the Targets table, we now also added a row for your Actuals.
This enables you to evaluate better the performance of your Key Results and Initiatives over time.
TIP: You can also easily add progress updates from this table!
January 2025 ⬇️
Progress reports at company-level
In addition to progress reports at user and team-level, we now have progress reports at company-level. Simply click on the Progress report tab on the Company page to see a report for your company KPIs and OKRs by their timeframe.
Archive Strategic Pillars
Have your Strategic Pillars changed? This previously required editing or deleting the Strategic Pillar, but this would override any record of its existence. That's not ideal since learning is at the core of OKR after all, so it's best to keep historical records. Now you can archive your Strategic Pillars so it accurately reflects your company's history. Archived Strategic Pillars will be hidden by default but you can quickly view them by clicking 'Show archived' on the Map.
Jira integration: Support for completed % when using JQL queries
If you used a JQL query with our Jira integration, the update simply corresponded to the number of issues the JQL query returned. This didn't work if your team wanted to track percent completion since there was no "denominator". This has changed since JQL now supports percent completion.
Easier navigation between goals
Instead of opening and closing each goal individually, you can now click through to the next goal! You'll find arrow navigation at the top of the goal modal. Great for going through the list of OKRs and KPIs in All goals, KPIs boards, Company and Team pages!
December 2024 ⬇️
Native integrations for KPIs
You can now integrate your KPIs with Asana, Jira and Power BI! The steps are the same as with Results (Key Results or Initiatives), so just head over to Advanced settings when creating a KPI or Result, or the right side panel when editing a KPI or Result.
Opt-in to beta features in-app
Want to get early access to our new features? Under Configure > Features you'll now find our current beta features so you have the ability to opt-in to get early access. All we ask for is your feedback so that we can ensure the feature is valuable.
Please note, since beta features aren't fully developed, the functionality may be limited and you may experience bugs.
Create goals from All goals
In Perdoo, it's important to have the flexibility to take action where it feels most natural to you. This means that you can already create an Objective or KPI from different pages (e.g. Home, Strategy Map, Team and User pages etc) and now you can create them in All goals too.
Improved horizontal axis in POT charts
We've made it easier to understand your KPI progress! All months are now labeled along the horizontal access when you're looking at a 12 month view. The monthly labels are also positioned in the middle so the progress update locations better align with their dates.
See data for all timeframes in Engagement and Performance Dashboards
Want to review your complete history? Now you can select 'All timeframes' in the Engagement and Performance Dashboards.
New column for 'Expected progress' in Custom reports
When you review the progress of Results in Custom reports, now you have a frame of reference to see how the current progress compares to its expected progress.
Expected progress takes into account the length of the timeframe, whether you have stretch goals for Key Results, and start & due dates if they are set.
You can also filter to see those Results that are less than the expected progress too so you can quickly identify where progress is lagging behind. The tolerance slider will default to 0 so you can choose your preferred threshold.
Targets added to Progress reports
Both User and Team Progress reports now show the target value for Results so that you always have a quick reference to the target when reviewing progress.
New in-app video links for key features
Prefer to watch a video to learn about a key feature? You'll find 'Watch a video' with new links at the top of Home, Strategy Map, All goals, Dashboards, KPI boards, 1:1s and Performance reviews.
New bar charts for KPIs
In addition to a line chart, you now have an option to view your KPI data as a bar chart so that you can visualize the data in the format that makes the most sense for you and the KPI!
Data source link available in Update modal
Now you can see the Data source link when you're updating the progress for a KPI, providing quick access to the data you need to make the update!
November 2024 ⬇️
Improved flow for adding new KPIs
Adding a new KPI is now smoother (we moved the Metric unit and Current value onto the same level) and incorporates our new target types.
Quarterly and annual targets for KPIs
In addition to monthly targets, you can now also add quarterly and annual targets for your KPIs. Simply open the KPI and select your Target frequency on the right.
NOTE: Update frequency is a separate setting, which defines how often progress should be updated. For example, if you have an annual revenue target, you may still want to review its progress once a month.
New target types for KPIs
Perdoo worked well for KPIs whose progress always needed to stay above or below a certain value. However, some KPIs’ progress you want to increase or decrease over time (eg. EBIT or Number of customers). While you could already track these KPIs in Perdoo, the status for these KPIs would always be unhealthy. We fixed that by adding new Target types: ‘Increase to’ and ‘Decrease to’.
In the chart, you can now see exactly where progress is expected to be at, based on this setting. The grey line is your target, blue is the actual progress.
Auto-reset progress to 0
For some KPIs, progress drops to 0 at the start of each period. Think of a sales target: you wouldn’t have closed any deals yet at the start of a new quarter. Previously, the status of these KPIs would be unhealthy for most of the time. That’s frustrating so we fixed it!
Simply set Target type to ‘Increase to’ and enable ‘Reset to 0’.
Template for Progress updates
ℹ️ Requires Admin or Superadmin rights.
In Configure > General > Templates, you can now set up a custom template for when people update progress. This help you streamline the context that you should be provided when progress is updated — such as challenges or roadblocks and next steps.
Archive users from their profile
ℹ️ Requires Admin or Superadmin rights.
You can now also archive (and restore) a user directly from their profile. Simply click the 3-dot menu and choose 'Archive user'.
Create goals directly from Home
You can now create new goals directly from Home.
Text editor improvements
Input fields now have a sticky footer for formatting options. That way, you don't loose access to these controls when entering long texts.
In case you missed it, we also added new controls for strikethrough, font color, and hyperlink!
New Source field for goals
We added a new Source field for your goals. When you add a Source, the link will also be displayed when updating progress. This makes it easier to update progress for the goals that you weren't able to integrate.
Reports are now called Dashboards
We renamed 'Reports' to 'Dashboards' and the Health dashboard is now called Engagement dashboard. These names better represent the underlying information.
Engagement Report
ℹ️ Requires Ambassador role, Admin or Superadmin rights.
We changed Goals-up-to-date to Goals out-of-date so it's clearer who the Ambassador needs to follow up with. This widget also includes teams that don't have goals by marking them with a "-".
Key Result and KPI right panel improvements
We added a space in front of the target in the Key Result right panel.
We created more space in the KPI right panel by reducing the spacing between items, and merging "Measure as" into the "Last update" section.
'Hide accomplished' filter added to Home
We added the 'Hide accomplished' filter so you can choose to only see goals that you're currently working on.
Highlight goals with replies in Progress reports
We highlighted goals with replies so you can easily identify which goals have higher engagement.