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Add KPIs for a Team

Monitor the health of your business as usual with KPIs.

Nicole Capobianco avatar
Written by Nicole Capobianco
Updated over a week ago

OKRs are only half the story. You need KPIs to monitor the health of your business as usual work. When using OKRs to drive you toward your ultimate goal, KPIs let you know that your car is in tip-top condition, full of gas, and equipped to get you there. If that's not the case, you'll have a hard time progressing down your path.

Perdoo lets you effortlessly monitor your KPIs over time and base decisions on concrete data. Integrate with 65+ business apps for automatic syncing and check any report or dashboard for a real-time overview of your KPI health.

When viewing any KPI, charts help you spot trends over time, so you can act early to get an unhealthy KPI back on track, or adjust future targets on a monthly basis. With KPIs and OKRs in Perdoo, your organization is fully equipped to realize your strategy.

💡 Pro tip: To view KPIs across multiple Teams, use the KPI Boards.

Growth KPIs on Growth Board

Define Team KPIs

KPIs vary by business area. When defining KPIs for your Team, consider:

  1. Metrics that will influence your daily behavior

  2. Metrics whose status determines the Teams's performance (i.e if all are above the threshold value, then the Team is healthy)

Some example metrics:

  • Marketing: Cost Per Lead

  • Customer Success: Customer Satisfaction Score

  • Sales: Sales Qualified Lead to Customer Conversion Rate

Need inspiration? Check out our OKR + KPI Example Library.

Enable or disable KPIs for your Team

ℹ️ This requires Admin or Superadmin rights.

  1. Go to Teams then your Team profile under My team

  2. Edit you team by clicking on the pencil icon beside the Team's name

  3. Select the check box that reads Enable KPI to enable KPIs (or uncheck it to disable

  4. Click Save

Enable or disable KPIs on Group page

Add KPIs for your Team

  1. From your Team profile, click on the + button on the top right

  2. Select Add KPI

  3. From the pop up, add the KPI name, Metric unit, and Current value

  4. Click Save

  5. Click on any + (per month) to indicate the target you would like to keep or maintain

Add KPIs from Group page

Advanced Options

* NOTE: There is no limit to KPIs per Team. KPIs can alway be broken down into more granular metrics, but the intention is to add those high-level metrics that truly communicate how you're doing. You will be notified of this once you add more than 6 KPIs:

Adding KPIs to Group

Reorder KPIs for your Team

KPIs are displayed in the order that you add them. You have the flexibility to organize your KPIs as you see fit by dragging and dropping the KPIs.

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