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Goal statuses

Identify and communicate how your OKRs and KPIs are performing.

Nick Fischer avatar
Written by Nick Fischer
Updated over 10 months ago

Perdoo has goal statuses for both KPIs and OKRs.

Statuses for KPIs

Statuses for KPIs can be:

  • Healthy: the KPI meets its desired target value.

  • Unhealthy: the KPI does not meet its target value.

These statuses are calculated automatically by comparing a KPI's current value with its target value. If no target value is set, the KPI status will always show as healthy.

When a KPI is unhealthy, an orange dot will appear in front of it:

Statuses for OKRs

Statuses for OKRs can be:

  • Accomplished: you've achieved the goal and will no longer actively work on it.

  • On track: you’re confident that you will achieve the goal by when it is due.

  • Needs attention: you're falling behind but still believe you can achieve this goal with support.

  • Off track: the goal is in trouble and you probably won't achieve it.

The Objective's status is calculated automatically based on the statuses of its Key Results (or its aligned OKRs — depending on how you calculate progress for the Objective). The Objective status will be the weakest Key Result or aligned OKR status.

The status for a Key Result and/or Initiative is set manually by its lead. Because a Key Result's or Initiative's status is set manually, it reflects how confident the lead is that he or she will achieve the Key Result (or complete the Initiative) by when it is due.

A Result's or Objective's status is always displayed in front of its progress:

Using goal statuses in reports

1. Goal statuses are included throughout Perdoo’s reports so you know which goals need your attention. They also help you and your coworkers to develop a deeper understanding of how things are really progressing. In All goals, you can apply filters to quickly see a list of, for example, “off track” Key Results that your direct reports are responsible for:

  • Stage: Active

  • Result type: Key result

  • Status: off track

2. Head to Performance Reports to get a filtered list of healthy or unhealthy KPIs (click on either to dig deeper):

Explore healthy vs unhealthy KPIs in Performance Reports

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