Reflections in Check-ins

Contextualize your week by sharing top priorities and flagging any concerns with your team.

Nicole Capobianco avatar
Written by Nicole Capobianco
Updated over a week ago

Add Reflections to your Check-ins to share challenges and wins with your team and resolve blockers by taking action early. Reflections function as a weekly update/standup or status report to keep your team informed.

Encouraging a habit of reflecting on progress and achievements is a proven way to achieve more goals, while also cultivating transparency and nurturing collaboration.

Reflections in Check-ins

Setting up Reflections

To enable (or disable) Reflections, (Super)admins can:

  1. Go to Configure

  2. Stay on the General tab

  3. Select Features

  4. Check (or uncheck) the Reflections box

  5. Click Save

Enable or disable Reflections in Configure > Features

* NOTE: If Reflections are enabled, all users will receive a Check-in reminder — even if they don't lead any goals.

Reflections live in your Check-ins so it's important to:

  1. Define how often you want to update goals in your organization.

    (Super)admins can go to Configure > General > Company details and select your preferred option under ‘How often do you update goals?’ (we recommend weekly updates, especially if you're using Reflections as a standup tool):

    Specify how often you want to update your goals via Check-ins

  2. Set up automated Check-in reminders. If you're using Reflections as a standup tool, you may consider moving your reminders to Mondays at 9AM.

Check-in and add Reflections using the button on your sidebar;

Check-in button on the sidebar

Or from your Home page:

Check-in button at top of Home page

Customize Reflections

By default, Reflections will ask the following:

  • What did you work on last week?

  • What will you focus on this week?

  • Are you blocked by anything?

Admins can customize the Reflections template to suit your organization. Update your Reflections questions to help facilitate your weekly standup, integrate plans, progress, and problems, or any other weekly ritual you already use internally.

Once you've enabled Reflections (Configure > Features), you can edit your Reflections template then click Save:

Edit Reflections template in Configure > Features

Or you can easily reach this page via the Change Reflections template option in your Check-in:

Change Reflections template option in Check-in

Review current and past Reflections

Check-ins tab

To find completed Reflections (and Check-ins in general), use the Check-ins tab on user profile pages:

Use the Check-in tab to find completed Reflections

Weekly progress report

Find your team's Reflections in your Team's Weekly progress report via email. Our new streak badges celebrate and reward those that make it a habit to Check-in regularly:

Streak and Reflections example in Weekly Report

Slack channel

Send your team's Reflections to your team's Slack channel (make sure Admins+ set it up by using the pencil icon beside the Team's page title):

Send Reflections to a Slack channel by editing Group details

Sharing your Reflections to a Slack channel of your choice acts as a standup. You and your team can benefit greatly from knowing what everyone else is working on:

Preview of Reflections in Slack channel

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