9 articles
User ReviewsContextualize your week by sharing top priorities and flagging any concerns with your team.
Define frequency for Perdoo Progress reviewsThis article suggests best practices on how often you should review progress on your OKRs.
Set up your Ultimate Goal (mission & vision)Use your mission & vision as a starting point to success.
Enable or disable stretch goalsDetermine when an OKR has been achieved
Add templates to support the OKR processTemplates help standardize your OKR program and capture the right information.
Mark who the executives areIdentify execs to offer them unique reports and tailored communications.
Set your Ambassador(s)Add an Ambassador to keep your OKR program on track.
Personalize your Perdoo accountBefore you add other people to your Perdoo account, make sure you add your company logo, slogan, etc.
Change your passwordForgot your password or need to reset it?