Add Reflections to share challenges and wins with your team and resolve blockers by taking action early. Reflections function as a weekly update/standup or status report to keep your team informed.
Encouraging a habit of reflecting on progress and achievements is a proven way to achieve more goals, while also cultivating transparency and nurturing collaboration.
Enabling Reflections
ℹ️ This requires Superadmin rights.
To enable (or disable) Reflections go to Configure > Progress reporting > Users.
IMPORTANT: Pulse is part of Reflections, so this is where you will enable Pulse.
Customizing Reflections
ℹ️ This requires Superadmin rights.
By default, Reflections will ask the following:
What did you work on last week?
What will you focus on this week?
Superadmins can customize the Reflections template to suit your organization. Update your Reflections questions to help facilitate your weekly standup, integrate plans, progress, and problems, or any other weekly ritual you already use internally.
Since Reflections are part of your Progress Reports, you'll also need to define:
Frequency: How often you want Reflections (and goal updates) to be submitted. Set the frequency and the day of the week. Eg. Weekly and Friday.
Update reminders: When and who (everyone or just goal leads) should be reminded to submit Reflections (and goal updates) via email and in-app. This will control when the blue Submit Reflections button appears on users' Home. The button will appear from the date specified until the day before the report is generated.
Send reminders through our Slack or Microsoft Teams integrations.
Progress Report Emails: When Managers will receive an overview of their direct reports’ Progress Reports via email.
Submit Reflections from your Home
You'll see a blue button 'Submit Reflections' on your Home:
This will open a modal with a side panel that contains your Goals and Progress reports so you have access to this information while filling out your form.
The Reflections button will only be visible on Home during the update window (from when the reminder email is sent until the day before the Progress report is generated). If you've missed the deadline, you can retroactively submit Reflections by going to your Progress reports tab on your Profile page, selecting the week or cycle and clicking Add Reflections.
Review submitted Reflections
Progress reports tab
To find completed Reflections, use the Progress Reports tab on user profile pages and click View details:
Progress report email
Managers receive a Progress report email for their direct reports.
Slack channel
Send your Reflections to your team's Slack channel through Personal settings > Notifications > Slack. We'll automatically detect your primary Slack channel, but you can manually choose the right channel.
Sharing your Reflections to a Slack channel of your choice acts as a standup. You and your team can benefit greatly from knowing what everyone else is working on:
Have a question?
Contact our friendly Support team via the in-app chat at the bottom-right of your screen, or email