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User Progress reports

Share your wins, challenges, and progress with your manager and co-workers.

Henrik-Jan van der Pol avatar
Written by Henrik-Jan van der Pol
Updated over a week ago

User Progress reports are the ideal way for employees to share their wins, challenges, and progress with their manager and co-workers.

Regularly reporting on progress helps you achieve more goals, improve 1:1s with your manager, and remove recency bias from your performance reviews. All it takes is ~10 minutes per week!

You can provide your updates via the web app, mobile app, and through our Slack and Microsoft Teams integrations.

What's a User Progress report?

What's included?

  • Reflections (if enabled).

  • Pulse (only visible to manager and employee; if enabled).

  • Any progress updates made to a person's goals within the respective cycle.

Who is the report for?

  • Co-workers

  • Managers (managers can choose to receive an overview of their direct reports’ most recent Progress reports via email).

Where can you find User Progress reports in Perdoo?

  • User Progress Reports are stored on a person's Progress Reports tab and on the Team page under the Members tab.

How to set up User Progress reports for your organization

ℹ️ This requires Superadmin rights.

  • Frequency

    • Choose from Weekly, Every two weeks, or Monthly and the day of the deadline. We recommend Weekly. The selected frequency is called the 'cycle'.

  • Update reminders

    • Make sure no one forgets to submit their Reflections and update their goals! Choose when and who (everyone or just goal leads) should receive a reminder.

    • Ideally, this is 1 working day before the cycle ends.

    • People can choose to receive reminders via email, Slack and/or Teams.

  • Remind goal leads only

    • Choose who you want to provide updates. Disable this if you want everyone in Perdoo, even if they don't lead any goals, to also submit updates through User Reflections and/or Pulse.

  • User Reflections

    • Reflections are a great way for employees to provide a broader update on the cycle. For example, next to progress on their goals, you can encourage everyone to share their wins and challenges. This can be great for engagement and can help tackle potential blockers early on. Learn more about Reflections.

    • Choose if you want to enable or disable User Reflections.

    • When enabled, customize the templated Reflections questions to you're liking.

  • Pulse surveys

    • Pulse surveys are a simple yet effective tool to keep a finger on employee engagement. Learn more about Pulse surveys.

    • Choose if you want to enable or disable Pulse surveys.

  • Progress report emails

    • Choose the hour that the User Progress reports will be sent out to managers the day after the cycle ends.

Important notes

  • User Progress reports will include all updates made to goals during a cycle from anywhere in the app (eg. Home, Team, Profile pages etc), including updates made by an integration.

    • If you only want to see specific goals, you can filter the section.

  • The next step is to make sure that managers regularly review Progress reports of their direct reports. This helps them save time, be better managers, and deliver results that matter.

  • If User Progress report reminders aren't received via email, check your personal notification settings to see if Progress Report reminders are enabled. Then check your spam folder.

  • If Reflections are enabled, all users are expected to submit this update — even if they don't lead any goals.

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