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Review Check-ins from your direct reports and teammates
Review Check-ins from your direct reports and teammates
Henrik-Jan van der Pol avatar
Written by Henrik-Jan van der Pol
Updated over a week ago

Review Check-ins to save time, be a better manager, and boost goal attainment.

Review your direct reports' Check-ins

As a manager, you can easily review the Check-ins of your direct reports to be fully up-to-date on their progress, which enables you to make sure they perform well at work.

This lets you:

  • Save time in 1:1s
    Heck, you may even want to reduce the frequency of 1:1s.

  • 😇 Be a better manager
    Keep your team on track while maintaining your distance.

  • 🚀 Deliver results that matter
    Drive the organization—and your career—forward.

How it works:

  • Configure Check-ins
    If you haven’t done so already, configure Check-ins (and Reflections) for your team and organization.

  • Make sure your direct reports have selected you as their manager in Perdoo
    Users can select their manager via Personal settings; Admins can set a user’s manager via Configure > Users > Edit user.

  • Explain the importance of frequent progress updates
    This article may help. They may not agree, but at least they know why.

  • Review your direct reports’ Check-ins
    You’ll find your direct reports on your Home view. Once they have submitted their Check-in, you’ll see Checked-in beside their name. Clicking on Checked-in will take you directly to their most recent Check-in. Here's an example of what that'll look like.

Direct reports on right-hand side of Home view
  • Review the Check-in during your 1:1 with your direct report

    We recommend that you review the Check-in during your 1:1 with your direct report (here’s why).

  • Easily add Talking points from the Check-in

    You can also review the Check-in in your own time before the 1:1. Notice that your direct report needs extra support or want to acknowledge a job well done? Add a Talking point to make sure this topic is discussed together.

Review your teammates Check-ins

You'll find the Check-ins for all team members on the Check-ins tab on the Team page.

When you click on a teammate, review their Check-in and add a comment about their work. They'll get an email notification about your comment.

You'll find the Check-ins for the entire organization on the Check-ins tab on the Company page.

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