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Add Company KPIs

Monitor the health of your company's business as usual work.

Nicole Capobianco avatar
Written by Nicole Capobianco
Updated over a week ago

First, let me state something very obvious, every company has business as usual. You know, those tasks you repeat day after day to ensure the business stays afloat. Results-driven organizations understand that these ongoing processes need to be monitored to ensure the business remains healthy and any red flags are tackled before it's too late. They do this through Key Performance Indicators (or KPIs).

Perdoo lets you effortlessly monitor your KPIs and base decisions on concrete data. Integrate with 65+ business apps for automatic syncing and check any report or dashboard for a real-time overview of your KPI health.

When viewing any KPI, charts help you spot trends over time, so you can act early to get an unhealthy KPI back on track, or adjust future targets on a monthly basis. With KPIs and OKRs in Perdoo, your organization is fully equipped to realize your strategy.

💡 Pro tip: To view KPIs across the Company and multiple Teams, use the KPI Boards.

Growth KPIs on Growth Board

Define Company KPIs

When defining KPIs at Company level, consider:

  1. The stage your Company is in

  2. The type of industry you're in

Some example metrics:


  • Revenue

  • Gross profit margin

  • Employees NPS

  • NPS

  • Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)

  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

  • Churn

Need inspiration? Check out our OKR + KPI Example Library.

Enable or Disable Company KPIs

ℹ️ This requires Superadmin rights.

  1. Click on Configure

  2. From the General tab, go to Company details

  3. Click on the check box enable company KPIs to enable KPIs (or uncheck the box to disable KPIs)

  4. Click Save

Add Company KPIs

  1. Go to left sidebar > Company for the Company profile

  2. Click on the + button on the right-hand side of the KPI section

  3. Add the KPI name of your KPI (MRR, Revenue, etc)

  4. Add a description that makes it easy to understand what you're measuring (we recommend you add the formula to calculate the value)

  5. Add the Metric unit and Current value

  6. Click Save

  7. Click on any + (per month) to indicate the target you would like to keep or maintain

Reorder Company KPIs

KPIs are displayed in the order that you add them. You have the flexibility to organize your KPIs as you see fit by dragging and dropping the KPIs.

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