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Engagement Dashboard

Know where to focus your efforts to boost participation in your OKR program.

Updated over 4 months ago

ℹ️ Available on Premium and Supreme.

Engagement Dashboard is an invaluable toolkit for Ambassadors or those in charge of maintaining and managing the health of your OKR program.

When you're first starting out with OKRs, it can be challenging to get into the habit of frequently updating goals. But the health of your program relies on you keeping on top of progression from week to week, both when you start out with OKRs and as time goes on. That's why frequent Check-ins are crucial.

Engagement Dashboard gives you the tools to know where to focus your efforts to boost participation of your OKR program. From seeing which teams or individuals are less engaged with your program, to noticing whether goals are updated on time. These reports help you maintain a healthy OKR program and, ultimately, increase your chances of achieving those goals.

* NOTE: This report is only available to Ambassadors, Admins, and Superadmins.

First, use the filters at the top to see data for a specific time period, whether active, future, or past timeframes (the default is the shortest timeframe). Also, choose between the following teams:

  • Company & all teams (includes subteams)

  • Company & top-level teams (excludes subteams)

  • Company only

  • A particular team (and its subteams)

Let's dive into the data you'll see:

Health Score: How well is your program doing?

To help our customers optimize their strategy, goals, and people management practices, we've developed a Health Score. It's a simple score on a scale from 1 to 100 which indicates how well you're doing.

You can learn more about what is a good Health Score and how it is calculated here.

Goal statistics: Are teams performing key OKR actions (creating, updating and closing goals)?

Identify which teams have created OKRs and KPIs, closed OKRs, as well as which teams are ensuring their goals are up-to-date.

  • OKRs without Key Results: Ensure OKRs that are calculated based on Key Result progress have Key Results.

  • OKRs not aligned: Ensure that your teams are supporting the company's top priorities.

  • Percentage of users not leading goals: Ensure most people are participating and taking ownership in order to drive success.

  • Goals out-of-date: Teams that are lagging at keeping their goals updated.

  • Teams without OKRs: Teams that don't have at least 1 OKR in the selected timeframe.

  • Teams without KPIs: Teams that don't have a least 1 KPI.

  • OKRs not closed: Teams that haven't closed their OKRs (visible only for past timeframes).

Important: This info is only available on the Company & all teams filter.

User Reviews: Are users sharing their progress, challenges and wins?

Spot who is regularly submitting their User Reviews. Click Nudge from the No streak list (or use the 3-dot menu > Nudge all) to encourage those responsible to submit their User Reviews.

  • Longest streak: users that regularly submit their Reviews

  • No streak: users that never submitted their Reviews or lost their streak

Goals up-to-date: Is your program up-to-date?

See whether your team is getting better or worse at making updates over time by checking how many goals are up-to-date and who is consistently updating their goals. Click Nudge from the Falling behind updaters list (or use the 3-dot menu > Nudge all) to encourage those responsible to provide an update.

  • Best updaters: users with more than 90% of their goals up-to-date

  • Falling behind: users with less than 90% of their goals up-to-date

Logins: Are people engaging with your goal management platform?

One sign that employees are engaged with your OKR program is that they log in to the platform that helps to facilitate it – Perdoo! Here you can quickly view a list of employees who haven't logged in during the respective timeframe so that, if necessary, you know where to direct your participation efforts. You can nudge them individually or use the 3-dot menu to Nudge all.

  • Users logged in: % users that logged in during your chosen timeframe

  • Inactive users: % users that didn't log in during your chosen timeframe

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