Add templates to support the OKR process

Templates help standardize your OKR program and capture the right information.

Nicole Capobianco avatar
Written by Nicole Capobianco
Updated over a week ago

OKR is a goal management framework that helps companies implement strategy. It also serves as a communication tool and a learning opportunity. Templates are a great way to create standardization to ensure the right information is being communicated and captured throughout the process. 

Default templates

To support this process, Perdoo provides the following default templates:

Default Templates in Configure

Objective description

  • Why is it important?

  • Why is it urgent?

OKR creation is an opportunity to provide context as to why the goal is important and being worked on at that point in time. By thinking through these questions when creating your OKRs, you do a critical thinking exercise that helps you determine if you're choosing the right priorities. Adding this information validates it as a priority so everyone fully understands your choice and your team commits to working towards its success. 

Objective closing

  • How would you rate your execution?

  • What did you learn while working on this OKR?

  • What are your decisions based on these learnings?

Closing OKRs encourages reflection that can be applied to future goals. Rating the execution helps you gauge the part of the OKR that is within your control. Even if you didn't achieve your goal, you may have been satisfied with the outputs. Understanding the disconnect will help you make future adjustments. Specifically asking yourself what you learned while working on the Objective as a whole will help you take valuable decisions to continue to move forward.

Initiative archive

  • What was the impact of this Result on the OKR?

  • What did you learn from executing on this Result?

Initiatives are the projects or tasks that you think will make the biggest impact towards achieving your goal. As you work towards your goal, you may discover that some of your initial projects or tasks are no longer appropriate. This can be due to time restraints, changes in circumstances or strategy. At this point, you can archive them with these findings so that you can store this valuable insight when creating initiatives for future goals.

Custom templates

Feel free to customize to what's best for your business and teams:

  1. Click on Configure

  2. Click on Templates

  3. Edit the template

  4. Click Save

Reflections template

Encourage a habit of regular reflection in your organization. Reflections are a customizable set of questions that appear at the top of each user's Check-in form.

First, enable Reflections via Configure > Features > check the Reflections box. Then, you'll be given the option to edit the questions asked:

Reflections template in Configure

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