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View-only licenses

Allow users to view or comment on goals only.

Updated over 9 months ago

Communicate your strategy widely with view-only licenses.

View-only users can't lead or directly contribute to goals in Perdoo, however they can comment, @mention, be @mentioned, and edit their profile settings. Find an overview of all roles and rights here.

How view-only licenses in Perdoo work

  • You'll purchase a number of view-only licenses.

  • You'll be charged pro-rata for these licenses, for the duration of your service term. For example, if you purchase view-only licenses on May 1, and your annual subscription renews each Dec 31, you will be charged for the period May 1 to Dec 31 pro-rata, and upon renewal, you'll be charged for the full 12 months (Jan 1 to Dec 31).

  • Each time you add a user, you can pick whether the user should be a view-only user, by assigning their Role as view-only.

  • If you've already used up all of your view-only licenses, additional users will need to be added as Full-functionality users (Standard, Admin, or Superadmin) until you have purchased additional view-only licenses.

  • Regular users can become view-only users. If you have view-only licenses available, then you can change any user's role to be view-only.

  • View-only users can become regular users. If you are above your minimum user amount, then you'll be charged pro-rata for the new regular user in an invoice the following month.

  • View-only users are limited in the actions they can take. They have the same access as Standard users to see all public goals, but they can only comment on goals. They are not able to lead or contribute to goals, or be members of Teams.

How to edit a user's role

Admins and Superadmins can edit permissions of users in the same role or lower.

As an Admin or Superadmin, Go to left navigation bar: Users > click on the user's 3-dot menu > Edit user > Save.

Edit User role to View-only

How to purchase view-only licenses

View-only licenses can only be purchased with a Supreme plan. Please contact our friendly Support team via the in-app chat at the bottom-right of your screen, or email for more information.

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