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Review User Progress reports from your direct reports and teammates
Review User Progress reports from your direct reports and teammates
Updated over 6 months ago

Review User Progress reports to save time, be a better manager, and boost goal attainment.

What's in a User Progress report?

A User Progress report includes:

  • Pulse (only visible to manager and employee).

  • User Review.

  • Any updates made to their goals within a cycle. This means updates made from anywhere: Home, Team or Profile, etc and with an integration.

Review your direct reports' Progress reports

As a manager, you can easily review the User Progress reports of your direct reports to be fully up-to-date on their progress, which enables you to make sure they perform well at work.

This lets you:

  • Save time in 1:1s
    Heck, you may even want to reduce the frequency of 1:1s.

  • 😇 Be a better manager
    Keep your team on track while maintaining your distance.

  • 🚀 Deliver results that matter
    Drive the organization—and your career—forward.

How it works:

  • Configure Progress reports
    If you haven’t done so already, configure Progress reports (and User Review) for your team and organization.

  • Make sure your direct reports have selected you as their manager in Perdoo
    Users can select their manager via Personal settings; Admins can set a user’s manager via Configure > Users > Edit user.

  • Explain the importance of frequent progress updates
    This article may help. They may not agree, but at least they know why.

  • Review your direct reports’ Progress reports
    The day after the cycle ends, managers will receive a summary of who submitted their User Review (and who didn't), when, and a link to access their Progress report in Perdoo.

  • You’ll also find your direct reports on your profile and Home view where you can click directly to their most recent Progress report.

  • Review the Progress report during your 1:1 with your direct report

    We recommend that you review the Progress report during your 1:1 with your direct report (here’s why).

  • Easily add Talking points from the Progress report

    You can also review the Progress report in your own time before the 1:1. Notice that your direct report needs extra support or want to acknowledge a job well done? Add a Talking point to make sure this topic is discussed together.

Review your teammates' Progress reports

You'll find the Progress reports for all team members on the Members tab on the Team page.

When you click on a teammate, review their Progress report and add a comment about their work. They'll get an email notification about your comment.

You'll find the Progress reports for all users on the Progress reports tab on the Company page.

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Contact our friendly Support team via the in-app chat at the bottom-right of your screen, or email

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