ℹ️ Available on Premium and Supreme.
ℹ️ The user setting up the integration must be a Superadmin.
Log in to OneLogin and add a new application.
Find the app called SCIM Provisioner w/SAML (SCIM v2 w/OAuth). It's important it's exactly that name and not one of the alternatives.
In the next step, set the Display name to "Perdoo" and add our logo if you like. Hit Save.
Go to "Configuration" and enter the following values:
SCIM Base URL: https://eu.perdoo.com/scim/v2
SAML Audience URL: [copy this from Perdoo in Configure > Integrations > SSO]
SAML Consumer URL: [copy this from Perdoo in Configure > Integrations > SSO]
Client ID: mIkfFqrxoztrsq81CO9gn1Jd0jGgpLfWD7AXw2LY
Client Secret: UyJ4ArrfMjPepBdoRpKX1O9KQvW2ZqOia2YmcF5LzFgu0k6faqh8THZLwD9UMj96UA2uqwQiuALOv3AY458XLgZ45VAQE5HbJpXYyXlqiOMp8Y4RRQvLqZFayMMmnnZT
Site: https://eu.perdoo.com
Token URI: https://eu.perdoo.com/o/token/
Authorization URL: https://eu.perdoo.com/o/authorize/
Hit Save.
6. Go back to "Configuration" and click Authenticate under API Connection.
7. Click the link in the popup.
8. You'll be taken to Perdoo to login. Enter your credentials and sign in.
9. Authorize the OneLogin app.
10. Next go to "Provisioning" and check "Enable provisioning". Configure the other settings based on how you want OneLogin to sync with Perdoo.
11. Hit Save and you're good to go!
Need a hand?
Contact our friendly Support team via the in-app chat at the bottom-right of your screen, or email support@perdoo.com.