ℹ️ Available on Premium and Supreme.
ℹ️ The user setting up the integration must be a Superadmin.
Set up SAML SSO as described in this article: https://support.perdoo.com/en/articles/2751191-microsoft-azure-saml-sso
In a new tab, open up Perdoo and go to Personal Settings > API Tokens. Make sure you are logged in as a superadmin (or another user that has permissions to create & archive users). Generate an API token and use something like "Azure SCIM" as the name. Copy the token.
3. Back in the Azure app, go to "Provisioning" and click "Get started"
4. Select the following values:
Provioning Mode: Automatic
Tenant URL: https://eu.perdoo.com/scim/v2
Secret Token: Paste the token you generated in step 2
5. Click "Test Connection". You should get the confirmation below:
6. Click "Save" and then refresh the page
7. Toggle "Provisioning Status" On and click "Save" again
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Contact our friendly Support team via the in-app chat at the bottom-right of your screen, or email support@perdoo.com.