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What is the best practice for a Key Result that shouldn't exceed a limit?
What is the best practice for a Key Result that shouldn't exceed a limit?
Updated over 11 months ago

Sometimes you need to create a Key Result where there is an "upper limit" that you don't want to pass.

For example, say you want to minimize the lost stock items of your merchandise, and you've determined you don't want this number to go higher than 10 per quarter.

To set this up, there are a couple options:

  • If number of lost stock items was higher than 10 last quarter (or the same quarter last year), set up a Key Result with this as the start value e.g. 18 and then a target value that's less than 10, e.g. 9.

  • If success is binary, meaning it only counts if you're less than 1-, then you can set it up as a start value of 0 with a target value of 1. Then at the end of the quarter, if you've lost less than 10 you mark it as a 1, meaning yes.

💡 Pro tip: If you want to keep a value below a certain limit over time, it's better set up as a KPI, since this is something that you will always be working on.

More information on the difference between OKRs and KPIs can be found here.

Once you create the KPI, click on the KPI name (from the user, Team, or Company page), to open up the modal and set a monthly target:

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