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Export data

Export your users, teams, and goals.

Updated over a month ago

(Super)admins can easily export users, teams, and goals (KPIs, OKRs, and Initiatives) as a CSV file or PDF.

To export users or teams

  1. In the left navigation, go to Users or Teams

  2. Click CSV export

To export goals

  1. From the left Navigation Menu, click on All goals

  2. Select from 3 tabs: Objectives, KRs and Initiatives, or KPIs:

  3. Apply filters to select the data you'd like to export (or remove all filters if you want to export all OKRs in the system)

  4. Click on the Export icon on the top right to generate your CSV file

  5. Repeat the process for Objectives, Key Results, Initiatives, and KPIs

Export a Team or the Company's OKRs as a PDF

If you want to share your team's goals with someone who isn't in Perdoo, or want an export that includes OKRs and KPIs to get full transparency on the Company's or team's priorities:

  • Go to the team or Company page

  • In the OKRs section, click Print

Pro tip: Before exporting the data, click the Show KRs and Inits to make sure Results are included in the PDF.

Or, if you only want to see either Key Results or Initiatives, use the Results filter:

  • All Result types

  • Key Results only

  • Initiatives only

All Result types or Key Results only or Initiatives only dropdown menu

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